The online store delivers any item using its own Delivery Service.
Delivery prices and time
Delivery within Dubai - 50 AED
Night delivery within Dubai (11pm - 8am) - 100 AED
Delivery within Sharjah- 100 AED
Night delivery within Sharjah (11pm - 8am) - 150 AED
Delivery within Ajman and Abu-Dhabi - 150 AED
Night delivery within Ajman and Abu-Dhabi (11pm - 8am) - 200 AED
The delivery time is agreed upon with the Delivery Service manager, who will contact you immediately after you place your order. Delivery times may vary by +/- 15 minutes from the stated time
Attention! An incorrect telephone number or inaccurate or incomplete address may result in additional delays. Please carefully check your personal information when registering and placing an order. The confidentiality of your registration data is guaranteed.
Delivery location
Delivery is carried out to the address specified when placing the order. If you need to deliver the goods to a different address, you must provide the address to the Delivery Service manager, who will contact you directly after placing your order on the website.
You can also specify any other convenient delivery time, and your purchase will be delivered at the time you prefer, provided that you notify us of the changes at least 1 hour before the originally scheduled delivery time. Alternative delivery times, as well as delivery times for locations outside the city, are determined in agreement with the client. Additionally, upon your request, our manager can contact the recipient directly to confirm the address and convenient delivery time. RECIPIENT ADDRESS INFORMATION IS NOT SHARED